Category Archives: universe

A helping hand from the universe!!


There was a very interesting audio clip that I recently heard. It was mainly about motivating ourselves to an extent where we have the power to actually see our goals turning to a reality. The example that the speaker on the clip gave was, during a workshop, the moderator asked one of the participants if they had lost any of his belongings recently. The participant said he had lost his wedding ring and couldn’t for the life of his remember where he might have misplaced it. The speaker then asked the participant to close his eyes and concentrate on the scenario of where he would like his ring to be had it not been lost. The participant then concentrated hard on his ring and imagined it being placed on his finger, where it originally had been and opened his eyes after about 7-10 minutes

No, it did not magically appear on his finger ( I am sure that is what you might be expecting).

Well actually nothing much happened that time, but the participant later received a call from his wife saying that his brother-in-law had found the participant’s ring while cleaning out his garage where the participant might have lost it.

Now, from what I understand this cannot be a miracle. Nor can it be God’s will that his brother-in-law suddenly found the ring (though some might want to think of it like that).

However, we can think of this as a universe’s way of giving the man something he strongly desired for. In our culture, we are often told (though highly disregarded) that one must not speak negatively for self or otherwise. We can trace it back to the belief that probably our fore fathers believed that what is uttered may be sent back and hit us smack in the face. A lot of Hindus believe that there is a time in a day when Goddess Saraswati (Goddess of wisdom and consciousness) seats herself on our tongues and turns to reality whatever we might utter during that given point of time. Though it might sound like mythology or load of folklore, if we think back, don’t we usually have times when we say something and it does come true making us wish we had wished for something more appropriate.


I really want to believe that there does come a time in the day or some window opens up in the time zone where the universe grants my (un)wanted wishes. Many a times thinking of a particular thing continuously also makes it come true. Now, instead of attributing it to some voodoo, how about we look at a slightly more structured way. I think that when we are continuously thinking or wanting something, we are unconsciously working towards it, we try to think of ways to achieve our goals albeit sub consciously.

Haven’t we heard, God helps those who help themselves. Well, if we are helping ourselves in achieving our dreams, the universe might lend a hand for that extra push. Sometimes, I think, it comes back to bite us if we are hoping for baaaaaadd things!!

Think about it, we have achieved better grades if we start to obsess over them, if we are spending so much time thinking about it, we are some how also spending some time planning on our actions to achieve the target, and if we are planning our actions, we are also developing the will to actually execute those plans.

Make a difference

But to be able to dream, one needs the will to see them turn to reality. Sometimes we are so terrified of taking responsibilities of our dreams that we forget to ask the universe to help us. Mind you, one’s got to really really ant it to happen for the universe to lend a helping hand. If we are not sure we can make it happen why the hell would any universe be willing to put in a good word for us.

It’s all about having faith in the system without lagging behind on your part. Let’s do our bit, and let the universe do its. But one must remember, what goes around, comes around!!!

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